Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I apologize.... AND we're BACK!!

I apologize for not blogging for a long time but Lotsa stuff has been happening and well this kind of took a back seat - sorry to my readers

But I'll give you a run down, so you can catch up

I should just open a lemonade stand.... I've gotten a ton of lemons lately, or so it feels.
  • Illinois has really logical and sound rules on speeding ticket accumulation. While being under 21, you cannot receive two tickets in two years, otherwise they suspend your license for 90 days. Sweet right? So, I got an email from dad the other day and what do you know? My license is no longer in my possession for 90 days. Thank you Illinois for your bullshit rules, regulations and once again why your state sucks. So what do I do? I call every department in Illinois that has to do with this, DMV, Secretary of state, etc., and no avail. All that, and the rules are black and white, no help for someone who actually NEEDS his license. DICKS. But I did write a letter to Dan Brady, haven't heard back from him, probably won't but it was worth a shot, and I needed to vent. SO now my dad has to take time off to come and pick me up. Awesome Illinois. YOU SUCK! Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Dad, we have some of the best discussions while driving but he now has to take some of his vacation cause ILLINOIS IS A BITCH! (sorry I usually try not to cuss, but REALLY?!)
Well that obviously pissed me off, but I am working around it; finding rides to races. It will work, but DAMMIT! I hate being the kid who is like "hey can i get a ride? " I feel like I am 15 year old with all 16 year old friends.

I am applying to move to Belgium to attend Cycling Center. This would be a huge boost in my cycling career and it would more than likely lead to a pro life. Which would be super SCHWAY (COOL). But, it was the longest application I have ever done; 20 pages and so in-depth. IU's application was not even this long. But it is soo worth it. So I have been spending a lot of time on that.

But I have also been spending a lot of time on my bike, really stepping up my training and getting so serious. I'm gonna take this season by storm.

I am hungry


edwardsbertrand said...

Wait--so, you got your license suspended because of too many speeding tickets, and that is the fault of the state of Illinois? Confused. They forced you to speed? Or, you should be allowed to drive fast and possibly kill others, etc. because of your personal significance? Or, your license is too important to suspend because you actually *need* your car, not like those people with children and full-time jobs? Please select, Mr. Whiner

Anonymous said...

ok i don't know what the heck is the guys deal that left you that comment but if you want to complain then go for it... you have every right... until they are put in this position they don't have any right to tell you how you should be reacting to the situation!!! i do believe that you never once said that it was the states fault that you were speeding... you're just pissed at the state... understandable... i've been there... with the speeding tickets not the suspended licenses.

edwardsbertrand said...

ok i don't know what the heck is the guys deal above but he takes things too seriously.