Monday, February 11, 2008

Flying Food

Once again I was stumbling and SURPRISE LOOK WHAT I FOUND:
Apparently this is new a new trend in dining in Belgium. Yes, you too can enjoy this aerial experience for only $11,467. 72 per every eight hours. First of all, several questions arise, besides WHAT THE HECK?

1.) Where do the waiters and waitresses stand?
2.) How do you feed the dog?
3.) can you kick each other under the table?
4.) Have people every gotten sick while eating, that would surely ruin this?
5.) What if a fierce wind decides to gust?
6.)How much do you tip?
7.) How about food fights? this leaves you pretty immobile
8.) Is this a ploy by creepy guys, cause their dates can't hide out in the bathroom?
9.) At what point in a relationship is this required?
10.) Can you get a table for two
11.) What purpose does this serve besides to say you at at 20 feet off the ground?
12.) Is the crane operator liable for accidents if you make him angry?
13.) What is typically served at avenue like this?
14.) would you complain if your food were cold? I mean you are like 20 feet in the air
15.) Has anyone ever gotten so mad at their date, they just unharnessed and leapt?
16.) Would you get a food service license for an airplane or for an establishment?
17.) Do you need a host/hostess? It is pretty obvious where your table is.

I suppose a thing like this would make sense if you had a really small but tall building. Then you could have a dance floor and dining, without taking up as much space... Surely that was the inspiration. Other than a lot of narcotics.

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