Thursday, February 14, 2008

My thoughts on V-Day

Oh, did anyone notice today was valentine's day?

I did

And don't you worry, I have plenty to say

BUT before you close this screen. I promise you, this won't be the same drivel every loser composes as he twiddles his thumbs in front of his lap top.


First and foremost, let's look at the day that belongs to Valentine himself, and its history.

Let' s look at this; it started like a couple centuries ago. Some sap was like OMG barely 2 months after Christmas, I really need to show ma boo I love her. Cause if I don't she is gonna leave for the guy who has oxen and a plow. I am gonna have to get her a chicken or something.

So the day evolved and WHABAM the monster that we now know as valentine's day.

But as a child, you are almost forced into hating this holiday. I mean you had to hand out cardstock with cheesey characters on it, saying very cheesy or innuendoish stuff and you are just like aww crap, I don't want her to think I like her. I mean this nascar valentine saying "hey valentine, I'd stop in your pit row" really conveys all my 6 year old emotions. A true complex.

And we grow up and become semi adults and stuff. And it has become this. Guys and girls who are a couple. Love it, they are all like look at us, we aren't lonely and single HA. And then single guys just stay in and hope they are assigned some kind of homework, or there is something good on TV. And usually that fails; invariably you are caught up on homework and all that there is on TV is reruns of Discovery Channel's Dirty jobs, and well they aren't quite as dirty the second time around.

But then there are the single girls. Who are like "I HATE MEN" and nine times out of ten, it is their doing by being extremely snobbish and too caught up in themselves. As a result, they make a habit out of goin on girl dates, you know which are cool, not a problem. However, they turn their girl dates into Hate fests.... NO GOOD! And valentine's day becomes anti- guy day... Maybe it's time to change the name.

So in summary valentine's day has gone from cheesy sayings to eating cheese fries in sweat pants.

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