Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well looky here. this man has taken it upon himself to build and create a tennis ball launching machine. Really?... Launching Tennis Balls? This things looks like it is a home made grenade launcher or hand held flame thrower... But no such sweetness prevails. This man has constructed a cannon to throw furry yellow balls at things. He either really hates the neighborhood cats/ kids or he has an obsession with hurling stuff really fast. But I mean if I was going to launch something, it would be cool stuff like.... Rock Salt, ice cream, scrap iron or liquid mercury. You know, cool stuff like that. Because let's be honest, what does launching a tennis fall from a menacing machine such as this really accomplish? NOTHING... Remember the last time you hurled a tennis ball at someone really hard? Yeah it went all over the place. So unless this guy is five feet from his target he is really accomplishing nothing besides proving that he can make someing really mundane look extremely BADASS

oh yea, God listens to slayer.... thought you should know... you know when you are trying to get into heaven and God asks to recite your favorite guitar riff. You'll be damned if you don't chose slayer (seriously)

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