Monday, February 11, 2008

Rubber band guns

You have three guesses at to what this is.

Guess now

Give up? well, I was stumbling on the internet yesterday and I found this. Yes ladies and gentleman, a fully automatic rubber band gun. ArE KIDDING? Where was this when I was a kid. Why was this not for sale at the Sugar Creek Art's Festival? 12 barrels, capable of firing 12 rubber bands each, which equates to a firing capability of 144 rubbery rounds. THIS IS THE NEW ATOM BOMB OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Think about it, some kid is giving you crap... You go inside, get your artillery gun and open up shop. HAHAH COWBOYS AND INDIANS. no one expected the indian (who is always the down trodden one of the group... seriously, has the indian ever won? Well except for in the case of the U of I, ZING) to have connections to heavy arms dealers. No, no one saw that coming. So the kids are chasing your cohort indiana around the house, fralalalalal cap guns and plastic hatchets in hand (from their old fireman halloween outfits), they round the corner and here stands the Rambo of Indians. See yuh CowBoy..... Seriously this might be my summer project.

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