Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am worked over

So this week of training has been pretty tough... REALLY TOUGH!

Monday, Ryan Kiel and I went out and logged about 40 miles, which wasn't too hard but I should have taken the day off or something not 40 miles.

Then Tuesday I worked myself over pretty hard on the intervals, not to mention on the way back I had a pretty strong head wind pushing through hail. SO I was gassed when I got back

Today, most definitely should have taken the day off, but I didn't, the sun was out and the snow was not ripping across the plains so Ren-Jay and I went out for a 45 mile ride. On the way back, he did tempo, and I just let him go. Which I think is a huge advancement in my maturity, the old Chris would have chased and ignored his bodily signals. So hats off to me. But it was bitter cold, the kind of cold that just flat out hurt, so when I got back, I crawled into bed and napped til 8 pm.

Well, I turned in my Belgium app, so wish me luck.

But I get to race this weekend, Depauw Road Race and Crit.... ready to destroy

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I apologize.... AND we're BACK!!

I apologize for not blogging for a long time but Lotsa stuff has been happening and well this kind of took a back seat - sorry to my readers

But I'll give you a run down, so you can catch up

I should just open a lemonade stand.... I've gotten a ton of lemons lately, or so it feels.
  • Illinois has really logical and sound rules on speeding ticket accumulation. While being under 21, you cannot receive two tickets in two years, otherwise they suspend your license for 90 days. Sweet right? So, I got an email from dad the other day and what do you know? My license is no longer in my possession for 90 days. Thank you Illinois for your bullshit rules, regulations and once again why your state sucks. So what do I do? I call every department in Illinois that has to do with this, DMV, Secretary of state, etc., and no avail. All that, and the rules are black and white, no help for someone who actually NEEDS his license. DICKS. But I did write a letter to Dan Brady, haven't heard back from him, probably won't but it was worth a shot, and I needed to vent. SO now my dad has to take time off to come and pick me up. Awesome Illinois. YOU SUCK! Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Dad, we have some of the best discussions while driving but he now has to take some of his vacation cause ILLINOIS IS A BITCH! (sorry I usually try not to cuss, but REALLY?!)
Well that obviously pissed me off, but I am working around it; finding rides to races. It will work, but DAMMIT! I hate being the kid who is like "hey can i get a ride? " I feel like I am 15 year old with all 16 year old friends.

I am applying to move to Belgium to attend Cycling Center. This would be a huge boost in my cycling career and it would more than likely lead to a pro life. Which would be super SCHWAY (COOL). But, it was the longest application I have ever done; 20 pages and so in-depth. IU's application was not even this long. But it is soo worth it. So I have been spending a lot of time on that.

But I have also been spending a lot of time on my bike, really stepping up my training and getting so serious. I'm gonna take this season by storm.

I am hungry

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pointless really

I am not really even sure where to sit on this..... although my desire to do so, is lacking.... Quite a bit



CSC bringin' the heat to cali

Although, I am late in this report. I'll give you a run down. CSC brought it today (ahem, yesterday). In a pack sprint, JJ Haedo too it with 200 to go. And if you look a couple places back, you'll see the yellow jersey - Fabian Cancellara - showing team pride and support. Although, in second there's High Road. My bets are playing out.

Although, BMC's Jackson Stewart set out with a valiant effort in mind; broke away for a solo attack at mile 17, he failed pretty miserably. I mean hats off to you bro, but shoot mile 17 is a little soon. Should have waited for a little bit.

Hincapie hit pavement, but all is well.

electric shimano

Well it's happened, Shimano stepped up its game and brought out their new electric line up to the Tour of California. It's nice to see that it improved its design from the raw block of metal that it was. Let's break this down right quick.

Well look at the shifters. Extremely ergonomically designed. Extended the length of the hoods, and it appears they have slimmed down a little bit. Although the mega cool thing is the screens in the horns of the hoods. It's nice to see that shimano realized its flight deck stuff is over priced and they are integrating it. For those that don't know, it will display the gear that you are currently in . Pretty spiffy. Soon enough, you won't have to think about anything while riding. ...LAME

This is probably the most noteable change; Shimano, refined the design of the rear derailer from being simply a rough cut block of aluminum to a derailer that is very similar to the current dura-ace stuff, which makes it much more attractive to riders - pro or not.
The front derailer is a little bulky but, hey its electric. Sram will fix it --> HA

Look at that.... another water bottle cage, for those extremely long rides... PSYCH. Yep, it's the battery. A little more bulky than campy, and not as well integrated. But give them time. Ideally, they could integrate a computer similar to the SRM computer. Naturally they would need to find a super effecient power source, but it's totally possible. Think... In the rear, slide to button sized batteries under the Dura-Ace Badging, and something similar to that in the front; like c-cells in the mounting bracket....Integration and efficiency is key. Gotta do that before the average person will pick this up and put it on their bike. Otherwise, it looks awful - too many zip ties and other crap - and we all know looks are half the battle.

Although I wouldn't mind having those handle bars.... Kinda gravy

Sunday, February 17, 2008

ryan's tattoo idea

well ryan sent me his tattoo idea, check that out
kinda gravy

but this just proves my point that ryan does nothing all day except sit in his boxers and lounge about

this guy lives in the dumps

this guy's garbage truck is nicer than the apartment for next year.... WHAT?!

anyone wanna get me so I can watch the amazing racing that is going to throw down this season??? MOM?


maybe i should have the guy with the tennis ball cannon finish me off before this week even starts..... HELL

Tour of Cali - Opening Day

Cancellara opened up and let loose a rampage on the Amgen Tour of California.

Well maybe that is blowing it out of proportion, but he still came out on top in the prologue.
A 3.5 Km course, which from year's past is pretty flat, with a climb at the tail end.

Cancellara (Team CSC) did it in 3 minutes 51 seconds. with the closest follower being Brad Wiggins from High Road, chasing by roughly 5 seconds. And a close third behind him was Tyler Farrar From Chipotle. But where was Leipheimer (Astana), the defending champ, who destroyed this stage last year? Well he was at a close 4th, which had to be a tough blow for him.

So, there you have it, the four big dog teams for the year all podiuming (or close to it) in the first major tour of the season. This is a positive outlook for all teams.

For Astana and High Road this is a good thing seeing as they have both had their fair share of trouble this season. With Astana and its drug filled past, and High Road with its challenge to gain admittance to the Giro.

My expectations are to see these four teams duking it out the rest of the tour and season.

Personally I would like to see Slipstream come out on top but they are going up against CSC which has a lot more experience, and from what I can tell, finances to back it. Although, there seems to be a lot of support for Slipstream coming from the governing bodies of cycling. This has a positive outlook for a possible Tour bid (which would be awesome - at least have one domestic team in that tussle).

this man is alive

well obviously this guy was cruising his crotch rocket too fast (~120 mph) and decided he wanted to join the freight in the truck. But He did live. Funny thing (oddly), the driver felt a thump and it took him a 1/4 mile to stop.

regardless I still want a motorcycle... It's just idiots like this that make it seem like a bad idea

no blog, too busy

A bit morbid, but all the same a true thought to ponder

An amphibious RV. Really? I mean I admire the innovationism, but that's a little ridiculous. For what you paid, you could have probably gotten a boat and an RV.

ha, it's like those little chinese dolls that keep having smaller chinese dolls inside.. Only this time, it's real

Friday, February 15, 2008

I am tired of blowing my brains out

Lately it feels as if I am doing this a lot...

Which is followed by this feeling

I don't know but it just seems like I am completely spent at all times... Mentally. Between School, work and training I am just spent. Who knows, maybe it will pass, or maybe it just the anxiety of midterms and these monster tests that I have next weekend, But it needs to stop. These brains are valuable and necessary for at least a couple more years. Work isn't that bad, it's just like so simplistic and repetitive and it feels like I am just running my motor in neutral. I'll be a supervisor next year I guess... I hope, if I don't get a better job, which would be so awesome. But at the same time, I would kind of like to go back to a grocery store and work the desk. But I don't know how that will work with training and school.

But I am really concerned about work this summer. I need a consistent job; who knows maybe I will get a job at chili's I need to apply there soon. There are jobs going up for around campus in the summer but I wouldn't be able to take classes, and train cause they are all full time. I mean it'd be sweet to do stay here and do that, but I have to take classes, that's the point of staying here. If I didn't have to take classes, I would take the job and train after I get off. But, I need those classes so I can get into my major asap. Otherwise I am just wasting time and money.

Oh the dilemmas

Thursday, February 14, 2008


today was boring

nothing happened

rode my bike

did homework


wish i had a valentine


Well looky here. this man has taken it upon himself to build and create a tennis ball launching machine. Really?... Launching Tennis Balls? This things looks like it is a home made grenade launcher or hand held flame thrower... But no such sweetness prevails. This man has constructed a cannon to throw furry yellow balls at things. He either really hates the neighborhood cats/ kids or he has an obsession with hurling stuff really fast. But I mean if I was going to launch something, it would be cool stuff like.... Rock Salt, ice cream, scrap iron or liquid mercury. You know, cool stuff like that. Because let's be honest, what does launching a tennis fall from a menacing machine such as this really accomplish? NOTHING... Remember the last time you hurled a tennis ball at someone really hard? Yeah it went all over the place. So unless this guy is five feet from his target he is really accomplishing nothing besides proving that he can make someing really mundane look extremely BADASS

oh yea, God listens to slayer.... thought you should know... you know when you are trying to get into heaven and God asks to recite your favorite guitar riff. You'll be damned if you don't chose slayer (seriously)

My thoughts on V-Day

Oh, did anyone notice today was valentine's day?

I did

And don't you worry, I have plenty to say

BUT before you close this screen. I promise you, this won't be the same drivel every loser composes as he twiddles his thumbs in front of his lap top.


First and foremost, let's look at the day that belongs to Valentine himself, and its history.

Let' s look at this; it started like a couple centuries ago. Some sap was like OMG barely 2 months after Christmas, I really need to show ma boo I love her. Cause if I don't she is gonna leave for the guy who has oxen and a plow. I am gonna have to get her a chicken or something.

So the day evolved and WHABAM the monster that we now know as valentine's day.

But as a child, you are almost forced into hating this holiday. I mean you had to hand out cardstock with cheesey characters on it, saying very cheesy or innuendoish stuff and you are just like aww crap, I don't want her to think I like her. I mean this nascar valentine saying "hey valentine, I'd stop in your pit row" really conveys all my 6 year old emotions. A true complex.

And we grow up and become semi adults and stuff. And it has become this. Guys and girls who are a couple. Love it, they are all like look at us, we aren't lonely and single HA. And then single guys just stay in and hope they are assigned some kind of homework, or there is something good on TV. And usually that fails; invariably you are caught up on homework and all that there is on TV is reruns of Discovery Channel's Dirty jobs, and well they aren't quite as dirty the second time around.

But then there are the single girls. Who are like "I HATE MEN" and nine times out of ten, it is their doing by being extremely snobbish and too caught up in themselves. As a result, they make a habit out of goin on girl dates, you know which are cool, not a problem. However, they turn their girl dates into Hate fests.... NO GOOD! And valentine's day becomes anti- guy day... Maybe it's time to change the name.

So in summary valentine's day has gone from cheesy sayings to eating cheese fries in sweat pants.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My o my it's wednesday

Well today was not as eventful as yesterday but it was definitely a day.

Got up, did the get ready thing, then had breakfast and went to class.

Math... boring

Economics.... entertaining.... nervous about the test, kind of

Interpersonal Communication... Boring, and this project is going to suck

Came back for lunch and back to the dorm to study. I spent so much time on math, it actually makes me mad thinking about it. Like the problem is this, we have to type in these extremely long strings of equations that are overly complicated and so when you type it in. It doesn't work out cause of some syntax error. So the assignment took forever and made me feel like I was a downs-asarus rex, cause I just kept messing the stuff up, but I knew it was right but I was missing a parenthesis so it didn't work.

Then I decided maybe I was crazy enough to actually go outside and try to ride my bike. Well after no one showed up to the IUCC ride, I thought better of riding by myself so I headed to Bike n Bean, cause my rear went flat, so I fixed that and put on my new stem. Ritchey WCS 4 axis. Eight Kinds of sexy
Then after discussing with kyle, black ice, I decided to go home and roll the rollers. I got an hour in and felt pretty fatigued.

So then I worked on Economics and got help in math.

Then I thought about rolling again, but I decided maybe sleeping would be better.

I watched some show on A & E about this dwarfism. And this little girl was adorable, she was maybe like two dogs on all fours, stacked on each other high. She was adorable. Seriously the most adorable little girl I have seen.

Then I went to work, and we had this new guy working. And I am not usually against new people, its a common occurrence. But this guy was a jerk. he would interject in all our conversations, boss us around. It's like really? But we all wanted to slay him by the end of the night. we took a vote and decided he should be fired.

But now its time for sleep, training day tomorrow. Sleep tight kids

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

audi advertisement

great video for an undoubtedly sweet car... I'd take one for a spin

A tandem for sure

So I was stumbling, and I came across this. I have seen this in real life. and I think it would be extremely cool to do it. It's a meeting bike. But I really want to try it, I just need 6 other people. Who wants to join me?


Tuesday... more like Bruisday

Well today started off awesome.

Woke from one of those reality dreams, so I was not really sure what the story was.

But I got all cleaned up and headed down to the gresh, had breakfast and then went to K201. Nothing too major in there, jus the usual sit in class and worry about the test next weekend.

But then I headed over to the dance studio, and got my salsa on. Needless to say, I was pretty slick. But the girls seem to struggle... for the most part. The ones that are afraid of boys anyway. But, it all gets done.

Then went to sports management. Some old dog was going on about the olympics and some stuff. It was pretty boring, I took notes, but I just wanted him to stop.

Then I headed to the Gresh and had lunch.

Then I headed back to the dorm.

Everything was snowy and icy today, so I was being extremely careful and everything. And I had been successful all day, until I got right in front of Briscoe. I was riding to the back door and hit a patch of ice, and GAME OVER. Down I went, fortunately I landed perfectly, as possible as that is. The Bike went right, I put the left foot down and slipped and on the pavement I lay. I laughed it off; it didn't hurt that bad. And at this moment it isn't bad. SO I guess that is a positive that I can take a hit and not just die. But I put a gash in my new Shoes, I was EXTREMELY UPSET! But I can't change it now.

Then I did some K201, and then suited up and hit the rollers. I did 2 sets of 20 TT, followed by ten minute acceleration, followed by 3 sets of 3 minutes on, 1 off. I felt pretty good.

Then I cooled down and worked on Economics. We have a test Monday, don't want to leave it all for the weekend.

Then I headed down to dinner and now I am watching discovery channel. The learning never stops here at IU. It is something about making whiskey and the barrels that contain it. How many times are we going to cover alcoholic containers Discovery, HUH?

I'll probably go to the gym in a bit, but I want to lie down for a little while.

I want a new job. Food service is great but starting to get a little monotonous. I miss the grocery business.. HOW SAD!

I talked to Chris Sweet about doing RAAM (race across America) next year, how monsterously awesome would that be, probably not win it but most definitely Finish? But I guess we'll see where that goes. Keep your fingers crossed. That would be a feat for sure.

Jamie and I have talked about going sailing sometime this summer, or maybe over spring break. That would be something totally awesome, Sailing. Minus the fact cold water sucks. It would be extremely fun, educational and a good change from the Lycra addiction (not sick of it, just new and different stuff is always good.

SO I was rolling today and I had my music Bumping, you know and one of my neighbors asked me to turn it down; he was trying to read. Keep in mind, this is the same kid that comes in drunk thursday, friday, and saturday ready to fight any and everyone. This is also the same kid who is a constant dick to me. This is also teh same kid who has NHL 2k8 blaring at 2 am. But, I abided and turned it down, but I guess the concept exists.

well time to lay down for a bit, take it easy kids.


Monday, February 11, 2008


Tell me this isn't the coolest bike rack you've ever seen. I'll take two

Flying Food

Once again I was stumbling and SURPRISE LOOK WHAT I FOUND:
Apparently this is new a new trend in dining in Belgium. Yes, you too can enjoy this aerial experience for only $11,467. 72 per every eight hours. First of all, several questions arise, besides WHAT THE HECK?

1.) Where do the waiters and waitresses stand?
2.) How do you feed the dog?
3.) can you kick each other under the table?
4.) Have people every gotten sick while eating, that would surely ruin this?
5.) What if a fierce wind decides to gust?
6.)How much do you tip?
7.) How about food fights? this leaves you pretty immobile
8.) Is this a ploy by creepy guys, cause their dates can't hide out in the bathroom?
9.) At what point in a relationship is this required?
10.) Can you get a table for two
11.) What purpose does this serve besides to say you at at 20 feet off the ground?
12.) Is the crane operator liable for accidents if you make him angry?
13.) What is typically served at avenue like this?
14.) would you complain if your food were cold? I mean you are like 20 feet in the air
15.) Has anyone ever gotten so mad at their date, they just unharnessed and leapt?
16.) Would you get a food service license for an airplane or for an establishment?
17.) Do you need a host/hostess? It is pretty obvious where your table is.

I suppose a thing like this would make sense if you had a really small but tall building. Then you could have a dance floor and dining, without taking up as much space... Surely that was the inspiration. Other than a lot of narcotics.

Rubber band guns

You have three guesses at to what this is.

Guess now

Give up? well, I was stumbling on the internet yesterday and I found this. Yes ladies and gentleman, a fully automatic rubber band gun. ArE KIDDING? Where was this when I was a kid. Why was this not for sale at the Sugar Creek Art's Festival? 12 barrels, capable of firing 12 rubber bands each, which equates to a firing capability of 144 rubbery rounds. THIS IS THE NEW ATOM BOMB OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Think about it, some kid is giving you crap... You go inside, get your artillery gun and open up shop. HAHAH COWBOYS AND INDIANS. no one expected the indian (who is always the down trodden one of the group... seriously, has the indian ever won? Well except for in the case of the U of I, ZING) to have connections to heavy arms dealers. No, no one saw that coming. So the kids are chasing your cohort indiana around the house, fralalalalal cap guns and plastic hatchets in hand (from their old fireman halloween outfits), they round the corner and here stands the Rambo of Indians. See yuh CowBoy..... Seriously this might be my summer project.

To discovery channel

dear discvoery channel-

As opposed to the man who leaves behind his newspaper at the porcelain throne, you provide me with a wealth of sanitary knowledge. Thank you for that

however before you go on producing many more shows, perhaps you should consider your target audience dawg.

I was watching "it takes a thief" today, and apparently a step in process before a thief robs you, and I quote, They "Case The Hood". Now i realize you are attempting to stay with the times, but let's consider who is watching at 3 pm eastern time. Hm stay at home mothers, the unemployed, and nascar fans (they are waiting for the next cup race).

Hm, to me, the word hood is understood, yes, but necessary... NO! So next time how about just "checking out the area" or "scoping the neighborhood" or "evaluating the vicinity of the victim house" you know something a little more.... well Unhood

To: a couple people

To the guy who leaves the newspaper on the bathroom floor in a public restroom-
Seriously, the gesture is greatly appreciated. Your concern for my interest in articles in the IDS is truly inspiring and lets me know you care about me, your fellow man.

But in all honesty, consider this, the bathroom floor is not necessarily something you want to touch, much less stuff you get pick up, fondle, read and attempt solve the daily crossword. I mean if something of mine hits the floor, it is thoroughly sanitized before it comes into contact with anything else. Something tells me, a news paper would not survive the same cleansing process.

So while the concern for my thirst for knowledge is very valiant and honorable, I don't feel the bathroom is the place to share you civic mindedness. Try donating a can of soup.


The day and stuff

So today has been delightful. Woke up at 7:15, after a great night's sleep.

Had breakfast in bed. Had the news paper read to me via Channel 9 News, then hopped in the shower. I'm a king.... Admit it!!

Then I went and showered up and headed down to math. Kelly was yammering on and on about probability... I got a tough quesiton for yuh, what is the probability I care? 0.00. Ok that was a little brash but, seriously she gets off on the fact that we get ahead on the notes. She let us out early and you would have thought this was her gift from god to us. Whatever.

Went over to the union and napped on the couch until 9:25, then headed to Economics with the BOSS. This man cracks me up, seriously like one day in his class you would die laughing. Understandably I am the only one that laughs cause everyone else is like WHOA too cool for laughter. Whatever, they can have it, I will get an A in his class, he likes me...

Then went over with Intercomm. nothing too special, just hanging and watching the teacher... my oh my.

Then called it a day, and headed to gresh, had lunch. and headed back to the dorm to work on math.

Then I suited up to ride the rollers. Hindsight, I could have been outside but, I don't know 20 degrees makes it a little unbearable. So I did three sets of 10 on 5 off which were preceded by a 50 minute TT. So I logged about an hour 45 and plan to get some more riding in tonight, assuming all my other stuff gets did.

Then I rode out to Fountain park, signed a lease and came back and that brings us to now. I have a head ache and I need to read about how I talk... EXCELLENT!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday and baby pagers

So after sleeping in that queen size I woke up from rolling in every possibly direction and had breakfast with dad.

We discussed the usual; economics, external hard drives, and stuff like that.

Then Mom came out fully dressed and ready for church, and I felt a little guilty and I had wanted to go to church anyway, so I got dressed wicked fast and we went to church.
Check this little fascinating piece of technology our church has. Baby Pagers. So I guess I am confused on why we would need pagers for our young church goers. Is it in case you forgot you left your child in the day care? of it is in case your child gets ridiculously out of hand? Regardless of the reason, doesn't it seem a bit much for a church to be using the same technology that is used to let people know that their table is ready at a busy restaurant ergo Chili's. "johnson family of three your child is ready."

Then Mom and I went to the Mall. NEW jacket and shoes. they are so sweet.
We tried on a ton of different shoes, but these things just screamed me, eh? note Jamie's finger... SKANK!

But then I came home and sat on the rollers for about half an hour. I am pretty gassed at this point, I needed just a little bit to just be active but physically, I just needed a spin.

So then I came in from the garage and watched the rest of 1408, which I am still perplexed on.

Then Jamie came over, she studied, I blogged. Grandma and Grandpa came over to get their taxes did.

I am driving back tonight, apparently it is supposed to storm ferocious but I'll live.

Better Blogs tomorrow/this week.... you're lucky you got a weekend blog SUCKAS

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday and my thoughts

Well today was saturday and I took full advantage of it like a like it was my prom date... HA!

So I woke up at 9:30. and it was awesome. I didn't feel like I had wasted the day, yet I had had a good night's sleep. Most Excellent.

But anyway, I didn't shower, because I was out of body wash and face wash
so I just skipped the sanitization process entirely.

Went and got breakfast from the gresh; raisin bran, banananananana, and a wheat bagel. Carbs baby.

Then headed back to B223 and read two chapters from the sports management book. How inspiring, really. I mean never did I think that two college classes could be exact duplicates but I was mistaken, this is like X100 (intro to business) only with a basketball. So I just breezed over that and then got suited up for some spandex action.

Rode for about 2 and a half hours, then went to the shop to adjust my seat, then headed back to the dorm.

Headed out to wal-mart stocked up on some food and other necesities, then packed up and went home for what was left of the weekend. It was a long week and I needed a break.

While at wal mart some guy asked me to fix his car's head light. No success, the headlight was all complicated and domestic...LAME. It had some weird mounting bracket and stuff. He used a lot of profanity and stuff I was just like UHMM? YEah F that lightbulb bracket. so he went inside and got wal mart's " help" so essentially four guys circled around this car and said he would need new alternators and a head gaskets in order to get the light bulb to work.

Then, I got unpacked, did laundry (all of it) - So I was walking around the house in my bathrobe.... CLASSY

Then Jamie came over, we watched some weird Nickolas Cage movie (not that any of them are different of stand out, seeing as he is the same guy in every role... an american badass)

Then I crawled into the Queen sized and called it a night.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally Friday. Weekend?

Well it's finally here, the day I have been waiting for, the ramp up to the weekend.... (cue drumroll) FRIDAY!

Let's take a look here at what I done did.

Woke up later than desired, about 7:35. So I didn't shower or eat breakfast and just headed to math. It sucked, I felt completely grimy and nasty the entire time, but what can you do.

We took a quiz in math, and I felt pretty comfortable with it, which was good considering I was really uneasy yesterday on the homework. Iconic (oooooo Intercom word) representation would be an elephant in ice skates on black ice.

But then I headed back to the gresh and had breakfast...MMM raisin bran.

Then I made the treck back to the dorm to do some math homework.

Val came over, checked out the frame, took back the BKB clothing, etc. It hurt a little bit, but you know you have to pursue one thing or the other (USCF or Little 5, see story below)

Then I headed down to the B-school for K201 lecture and K201 Help. The lecture blew, but the help I got was phenomenal. I am so glad I got the teacher that I did for the lab portion. She is such a doll and extremely nice and down to earth. It's nice to not have a jerk for a hard class.

Then I headed down to the bike rack to pick up the pista and what do you know? the rear tire is flat... AWWWWESOME!

So I carried the bike up to gresh for lunch and then carried it the rest of the way up the hill to the dorm. Once there, I finished my Intercom proposal and picked up.

I then suited up and headed down to bike 'n' bean for some touching up on the frame and help with my carbon wheel. Long story short, there is a crack in the braking surface, so I unbuilt the wheel and we are shipping it off to zipp to have them look at it and hopefully warranty the thing.

Seriously these guys at this shop are amazing to me, I am so glad I have them around to help me out and get me through all this crap. Seriously life savers... well bike savers!

But went out for a ride with IUCC, and broke off with phi psi's and we logged about 45 miles (give or take). real easy. But the new bike is amazing. With no effort this thing just takes off like a no body's business. It is ridiculous. Climbs like a squirrel. But as soon as I get my position dialed in, I will be kickin ass.

Then I headed back to Bike and Bean to finish unassembling the wheel.

Then booked it over to briscoe and cleaned up. Then worked on K201. I got every thing on my project done, minus one query which I asked my teacher about and should get figured out soon.

Then Maneli and I did the Friday Man date. Saw Pursuit of happyness. Which is an extremely inspiring movie and touching.

But hit the gresh for some cereal and that brings us here.

But the most important thing that happened today was my conversation with Brett Stewart on the ride today. We talked about the stuff with Isaac and stuff. He gave me some advice on how to best handle the situation. He says that Isaac and I have similar attitudes and that I need to take his advice, respect it but at the same time take it with a grain of salt. I guess it was nice to know that other people have the same problem with Isaac and that someone, like Brett (cat 1) can give me advice and not be a dick. There's a lot to be learned from him.

In other news, might race next weekend...MAYBE. I really want to but at the same time, I kinda want to get home and see Jamie, plus it will be extremely expensive cause it's 3 hours away and you have to race saturday and sunday. Granted it would be a road race and I can haul ass but, $$ is a divider and my thing about seein' the jame. I guess we'll see on weather and stuff.

But hey, I think I need to be sleeping; big day tomorrow, training, shopping, and homework. Who knows, maybe something will come along and I will just do something so out of the ordinary, minds will be warped.... SHoot, I could become like everyone else and get TRASHED>...YEAH TRASHED>... SIKE. Got your hopes up, I know.

Well I am obviously irritable, so I need to sleep. I promise next week's blogs will be better, I was soo busy this week, and hopefully next week won't be as bad and busy.

take care kids

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday was a good day

well in case you couldn't tell, I got my frame, which made my day exceptional. Just look at her, gorgeous. This thing responds like a cat, it is ridiculous the acceleration. Step in it and off you go, like no body's business. And the carbon weave, which you can kinda see if out right beautiful. and look at that fork... OOO LORD. I have to get another stem, that's a little lighter, cooler, etc. I need tp bring the bars in a little bit. This thing is set and ready to tear it up GNARLY STYLE!

But an overview of the day and my thoughts all the same.

Let's see, woke up at 8:25 and did my good morning dance. Had breakfast, and went to K201. As soon as I got down the fee and 10th, I realized I forgot my books so I hammered it up the hill to get my stuff. realized this at 9, in class by 9:05. FAST and it hurt.

Then went to dance... natrually fun.. Worked on Cha cha and jive and some other step but I def got it. Everyone wants to dance with me, cause i just have too much fun. even the guys hahaha.

Then I went to Sports Management, which was boring, it is just a regurgitation of x100 only he brings up football and basketball.

Then went and had lunch, and took the crack'n'fail to revolution to get it stripped naked and set up the CR1. SO They gave me brad's bike.

So then I came back to the dorm after chillin there for a bit, and did some reading and research and knocked off a few little things.

Then Ren-Jay and I went out and did sprint work outs... PAINful and I know tomorrow is going to hurt somethin fierce.

Then I went straight to the shop and chilled with kyle and brad while they finished my bike.

Then took the bike home, did some more homework and then went to work.

Work was incredibly slow tonight due to the game, but hey I am not complaining. I dropped a shift, cause I need a little more time, so now I only work every other sunday. Which will be nice especially if K201 keeps hammering me to pieces.

Then I came back, and called Jamie, had a good little talk and now it's time for bed.

i realize this blog sucks but It is late and I am gassed but I leave you with this.

it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here

Take it in

Bask in it's glorious glory.

Just imagine that thing built up..... OH SEXY!

In the mean time I am riding this

Yes ladies, that is my bed... EH? Will have the new bike... Tonight ish?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So this is the tatto I have been thinking about getting along my spine where I broke the 5 vertebrae (hence the five letters). also it is derived from the nickname I was given by the proctor boys. I think its skill but it is super expensive and probably hurts like hell, but I don't know, it is something pretty significant. What do you think?

whizzing on the cream and crimson

Well I figured I would take a picture of the arsenal. The Crappondale will be gone by tomorrow hopefully. But it was a good frame until it cracked 3 months later.... SKANKs. But that thing has gotten so many showers lately, it's usually cleaner than me.

SO I had the urge to use the restroom today while I was at Teter so I frame up the urinal, look down and LOOKY THERE! Ok, let's consider this logic, the IU symbol below a urinal.. must have been a Purdue grad.. SUCKA!

I park next to this thing everyday I have Intercom, I have to wonder if it like a '64 impala... a classic, it looks pretty legit but at the same time, I doubt it.

I will try to get better hunting pics later this week, hopefully a full photo shoot of my new rig tomorrow. (cross your fingers)

Hump day.... but what to hump?

Well today was Wednesday and I can honestly say this week has been flying.... Thank gawd.

Well I didn't want to get up this morning, I was pretty fatigued from the late night and my work out. But what can you do? SO I slept in an extra ten minutes then got up and did the morning routine; shower, dress breakfast.

It was monsooning again, which I always love... you know gettting completely wet right after getting out of the shower.... DELIGHTFUL!

But I did the FEE Lane FLY-BY to Math and got there a little late but better than nothing I suppose. We started an extremely hard topic today. Not so much hard but more complicated. And naturally the teach felt the need to rush through all these notes. Which is the other down side to her typed notes. She FLIES through all this stuff. It really isn't fair but to each their own I suppose.

But then I had Microeconomics, which I am feeling pretty comfortable with that stuff. I stay up on the reading and make an attempt in it. So I guess that won't be so bad but the test is going to be a monster, I think we are covering 9 chapters. But the concepts are pretty simple and build upon a basic idea all throughout.

Then hustled to Teter for Intercom. I don't really like the class; the concepts are just like DUH. SO essentially, what happened was, these people that developed these concepts were professors who were in danger of losing their jobs, so they elaborated on these basic ideas to make it sound important.... but it's not. For example, we read like 20 pages on the concept of vocal inflection... Really? is that necessary. NOPE

But then I came back, had lunch, studied and went for a ride.

The ride, Ren-Jay and I went out for a ride. We did 80 minutes of tempo, and went through, dry, sprinkle, rain, hail, rain, dry, hail, dry (weather pattern). It sucked. So I just followed him home and had him take me back to the briscoe (gawd it hurt).

Then I came back, cleaned up, and studied. Went down and got some help on Math from the tutors, then Worked on K201. I am actually making head way, I have two more queries and then I am done. That's pretty good, going from half to only two to go... SOLID.

Then I went to work. nothing special, just the regular grind. I keep having the urge to make Phalic pancakes but I am attempting to control myself

Then came home, cleaned up and surprise we are here.

I miss you all, and I want to come home.. if I ever have a weekend where I am not living in fear of homework.

Yesterday....Ma bad

So yesterday was actually pretty nice.

Got up did the class thing

K201, dance and Sports Management

K201 wasn't too bad, just continuing in access, The thing is I get it in class, no questions, but then when I go back to the dorm, it's like someone dropped a rock on my face and made me handicapped. But I guess we'll see how far that goes come test time.

Dance was, well dance. It's nice to have a little break in the day just to be somewhat active (and not on a bike. Not that I don't love the bike and all that. But you know a little change never hurt anyone.) We are just reviewing our steps this week. We (the guys) were joking around, saying that we dance better by ourselves than with some of these girls. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really good, fun to dance with, etc but then there are others that it is like driving a herd of cats across a cat toy mine field (very dangerous). But we all have to start somewhere.

In sports Management, we had a test, and I absolutely blazed that thing. I think like a total of 30 minutes. I love it when teachers give you a study guide to regurgitate.... Makes my life easier. Tons easier!

But then I came towards the dorms; had lunch, then I did something but I don't remember what exactly. Some kind of class work I would imagine.

But then I started debating whether I wanted to ride outside or not, in the monsoon with the threat of a severe thunderstorm. So I sucked it up and decided to Ride like Hell. It was wet, not so much cold but Most definitely Wet.

Had a good workout, double twenty minute Time Trial (305 watt avg) followed by ten minute acceleration set (575 watt avg.) then 5 x 1 minute intervals (375 watts). Then 5 x 10 second lead out followed by a 10 second sprint. Then the Third Street Thrown down, which was pretty fast. But all in all a really good work out, peaked at 990 watts somewhere in there. But I am tired of all this rain... It has rained so much, that the roads are now super clean and my back came back cleaner than it went out. All the same, it got a shower and a lube job (haha that sounds dirrrrty).

After all that was said and done, Dad called and told me they were practically in martinsville. Well damn there went my plan to work on homework (but I did anyway; finished some Econ... I'm a badass, I know)

Well Mom and Dad showed up and i still had laundry to dry, so I took them out to the new place and showed them the complex. They seem pretty impressed and I have to say I didn't know it was that big... But the bigger the better.

then we hustled back, pulled out my laundry and went to dinner.

We at the uptown, which was...good, but definitely different. It had a creole cuisine, which was spicy and a true pallet of information. But moving on.

We then went and got a parking space, and walked over to the art museum; Mom was mesmerized by the giant light stick. Then we went and got seats for Stomp.

We had really good seats, except for the lady who wouldn't slouch in front of us. She was one of those super uptight people who is all about sitting upright and pulling her hair back as tight as possible and wrapping it in a mega compact bun (so it looks like she has maybe nine inches of hair but in reality has like a mane). YOU KNOW THE Kind.

But stomp was good, some of the stuff they come up with is truly inventive and extremely interesting. Overall a cool show, most people know what goes on there, so I don't see a point in going over it. If you don't; they beat on things in a rhythmic manner.

Then they dropped me off at the disco and went home. I wish they could have stayed longer, I miss them and I am really glad they came.

But overall, mom had a good time, which was the most important thing.

Then I really wanted to work out but I realized maybe I should put some time in on K201. Needless to say, I wanted to go to bed at like 11:30 but ended up going to bed at 1. understandably, I stopped working at 12:15 and talked to Jamie the rest of the time. But all the same, EFF K201, I am glad I am never going to have to take this again...Hopefully.

I realize this is a day late and Lacking photos, for which I apologize but hopefully you can tell I had a pretty go kind of day.

Tonight, hopefully I get my new Frame and get it built up, and I promise a blog.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tupac is alive and I can prove it

I saw these on Kyle Davidson's facebook and I had a real good laugh... Good way to open a blog eh?

Well today's story is full of pictures for those of you who prefer the visual representation of my life.

Well started off the day like any other, got up hustled to gresh, had breakfast and rocketed down to Finite Math. Nothing too special there, just the a-typical notes and such. Although our teacher is starting to use printed off notes to "save time". Well yeah in essence it would save time if she wouldn't rewrite the problem on the board. To each their own I suppose. I am gettin frustrated with the mass amount of paper notes we have to print out. Seriously one way or another I am paying for this paper and it ain't cheap.

Then I went to Golden Shear and got me a hair cut. Fred, my barber does such a great job, he's fun to talk to and he's really down to earth. Plus he has this really hot little chevy that races; always fun to talk about.

Then went to Microeconomics. This guy is hilarious, he cracks me up. He makes fun of himself and everyone else.

Fortunately, Interpersonal communication was canceled so I messed around, cause I thought I had an appointment at 11:30 to get help with K201. Well it turns out, the appointment was at 11:00. As a result, I lose all tutoring privileges for the rest of the semester. That's just great, I emailed the prson I was supposed to meet with and apologized with every bit my body. But I highly doubt it will make a difference.

So after that, I went back to the dorm and worked on my math, my economics and studied for sports mangement. Which is where I discovered Tupac is still alive. he is cutting grass and selling the economic theory behind it to text book companies. But as a disguise, he is now spelling his name as TUPAK.... I HAVE PROOF


Then I decided I needed to get out, so I went down to revolution and hung out with Kyle and Brad, talked shop and such. I guess they accept me there and let me hang, so I just hang when I can. I don't know if it is bought due to the frame and the cash I spend there but oh well, they treat me right and all that.

Then came back and worked on K201, got ahead so that I can be carefree tomorrow when mom and dad get here. Then went and got Dinner, and after that I decided I needed to ride (it was supposed to be a complete day off) just to blow off some steam. It was wet, and dirty but it got some of my stresses out.

As a result of all my bike got another shower and and fully cleaned up. But at least it didn't look like this.

That would be mega fierce to get rid of! (courtesy of Ryan Bertrand)

But in other news, Kyle from Revolution has a contact with Zipp who is looking for an intern, and Kyle has put my name in, so I worked on my Cover letter and my resume and sent that to Kyle to pass on. How awesome would it be if I got that? Honestly, that would be awesome, working for one of the elite manufacturers of cycling componentry. I could easily see that as a career; something I enjoy and actually care about. You know in case the pro riding thing doesn't work out (PLEASE HOPE IT DOES).

Hey I saw this on rutger's today. A robot that pumps your gas. Really, is filling your tank that mentally and physically tasking? Obviously it is, cause we need a robot for it. I understand a robot vacuum and robot space rover but a gas pump? Maybe gas prices will go up as a result of this.... PLEASE!

But moving on in the day. I chilled and studied until work. Which was awesome, considering we didn't stop taking orders til 12:10 and we close at midnight... It was sooo cool!

But oh, the big thing of the day, I am officially done with the black key bulls stuff. It's over, it's done I've had enough. turns out Isaac doesn't like me (no surprise) as a result, no one will ride with me... Cool, glad one douche bag can't get his head out of his ass enough to be civil and grow out of being a 13 year old girl... guess I wasn't invited to his sleep over. He won't talk to me about it, but he sure as hell will talk to everyone else. As a result, no one else will talk to me in fear of pissing him off. Really? REALLY? You'd think that as a business major, he'd have a bit better communication skills but I guess being a dick is the new networking. You know, I would try to talk to him, but all that happens is that he acts legit for two days and then goes supreme self-absorbed cock. (I am sorry about the french)

You know I came to Indiana hoping for a fresh start, get away from all that highschool stuff. But I guess people don't really grow up until they really have to. which for some may be never.

So, as a result I am really looking at transferring back home. Where I have some what of a base again. Maybe live with Ryan again or something. Shoot, at least I would be close to those who matter (you know who you are).

But that's it, lots of stuff on the docket for tomorrow, and I need some sleep. I miss you all.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

SUNDAY... A Hellaciously Fun Day

What a great day!

Slept straight through the night until 9:25. Then woke up, through on all my lycra and went for a two hour pre-ride ride. Then I caught up with totuga for a 3 hour ride out to paragon and back. Then came back to the dorm and studied, then caught up with Ren-Jay for a little over an hour ride. All-in-all, 6 hours in the saddle, 95 miles, 3700 burned calories, and an extreme case of the tireds. But that is fine by me.

Funny story, when I caught up with tortuga for their ride, I initally went to the female's ride... Oops, all the college girls were nice about it but some beast came up and corrected me. I was going to say butch but she wasn't wearing plaid spandex (Holy crap that is a million dollar idea, think of all those goofy recumbent riders that would wear that... it woks every where; the cruise ride, the high speed ride, etc... PERFECT)

As for tonight I am heading to the b-school to get help with K201 and then work. Spectacular.

Lame post, I know but this boy is tired

Saturday, February 2, 2008

a saturated saturday

I just melted my brains, seriously K201 is the equivalent to a microwave on my brain. But I signed up for tutoring and there is sunday help sessions.

Well today was pretty good.

Woke up at 10:15, which was really welcome after the past three days of not being able to sleep through the night.

I hustled my way down to the Gresh for breakfast, dined and came back to the dorm. Started putting together people for a ride. Studied a little sports management.

Then I got suited up and rode my bicycle. There was a huge group, a lot of females (but they are all larger than me which is frightening). But they pulled Ren-Jay and I out the opposite side of resevoir, from which we proceeded to do our workout. We did 4 sets of 6 minutes with 2 and a half minute rest. If my Power Tap was right, which I am questioning but first set was 380 watt average, second was 400 watts, third was 405 watts and 385 on the fourth. Considering I am 10 pounds lighter, and over the summer my LT was 320, I am pretty pleased with that. But the one thing that is weird is that my Threshold heart rate was 180 and now I am easily holding 190. I might attribute that to cold weather but whatever I'll take it, I am faster. Then we tempo'd back from 50 with a sweeeeeet tail wind. I think our speed didn't drop below 22 the entire time (minus climbs). All in all, it was a solid workout.

But then I got back, showered the bike, diddle around and then booked out to Jason's to work in the Laundry Room. Spent two hours out there then came back and had dinner.

Then I came disco'd to the briscoe and showered and put in three hours on K201. while doing laundry.

Then I doddled around, and went and got my car to get a few things from wal-mart. I have been losing weight pretty consistently which is good and bad, all the same I can't drop too much weight too fast.

Came back from putting my car away and what do you know, IU police are giving out drinking tickets. You know if I was going to drink, I think I would definitely learn how to not get caught... really? Really!

But got back to the room and was pretty blown out by that point.

In other news, I am seriously considering transferring to Marion College up in Indy. I guess maybe I made a mistake by coming to a school this big with absolutely no one and no intentions of drinking. Hindsight I should have stuck with the frat but then I wouldn't be doing what I want to do. And I guess without Ryan I am completely alone in this thing. You know I thought I would find a group to hang with in cycling but I just can't seem to fit into anyone's life... no matter how hard I try to fit them into mine. Seems like the only thing people wanna fit into their life comes with a twist off or requires a bottle opener. LAME! I mean Maneli is awsome, don't get me wrong, great guy but I can't seem to help but wonder if I just made the wrong decision by not choosing a religious based school that was smaller.

You know I was all about staying here because the program is awesome. But after contacting one of the go to guys for the sport marketing department, and he has no connections to cycling and I have to make my own path. So in all honesty what difference does it make. If I wanted to work for the NBA of NFL or MLB I'd be golden but I don' bein obscure.

But what can you do?

Not much, just accept it and move on. It's all up in the air and a bunch of what if's but gotta consider all the possibilities. You know?

Well I figured out what wreaked in our room today.... my roommate. Seriously with that much money you think you could afford to not smell bad. But I guess maybe dad spent too much money on the ferrari and neglected to mention hygiene.

Oh, interesting conversation between the roommate and his GF. She wants a tattoo on the back of her neck...I was cleaning my bike, and I instantly make the "really" face (cock my head at a 45 degree angle, cock my eyebrow and just give the comment a minute to sink in). After a moment I say, that's trashy, only carnies and prisoners have neck tats. Oh and that gay guy from project runway.

Sorry no pictures today, I am pretty drained (as you can tell from my humorless post).

5-6 hours on the bike tomorrow so bed time

a 5750.00 dollar Ferrari, GET SOME

Well I was cruising the Roadbikereview classifieds this morning to see if there was anything I needed (you can never be too sure). Well I came across thisAn '05 Colnago Ferrari Bicycle. But it has flat bars and V-Brakes (I didn't know campy had a flat bar shifting system...HM?!). Okay here's my stance on this, why would you buy a ferrari but ask for the steering wheel of a Toyota Camry and the brakes to match? I mean seriously, this thing is decked with Campy Chorus, Fulcrum 1 Racing wheels and any carbon knick knack that was available when this bike was produced. Just look at this stem.Yeah, a Deda One piece handlebar/stem unit. That is like a 300.00 dollar piece of carbon sexy right there and it has been mounted to a Flat bar system. Seriously?

Cause let's face, Jack Nobody isn't going to drop close to 6 grand (which is a steal considering that these things new cost well over 10 grand, depending on the setup) to ride this thing to work/ the grocery store/ the bar and anywhere else within 1 mile of his/her house(that seems to be the extent of the distance that people will ride their bike to). In all honesty, this bike isn't going to sell (notice how it still has its shop tags). It just isn't conventional.

Cause let's be honest, if you are buying a Ferrari bike, you think you're the shit, and you want others to agree. Well people that I know that are the "shit" certainly don't ride flat bar setups. So, yes, this bike is a special edition. But the flat bars make it a "special"special edition (if you know what I mean).

So the person that is going to buy this bike: CAPTAIN CEO who just wants to piss off his central park cruising buddies. This is the same guy who buys the Porsche Carrera with the stickers all over the kick panels that let you know that it is in fact a Porsche Carrera. Not to be confused with anything that looks like know like a camry. Not necessarily this year, but You get the idea

I guess in the end, if I had the money, I'd buy this bike; it would match my jacket. But then I would take that 4 grand I saved and buy road brakes, road shifters and road handle bars.... or maybe just another bike with this stuff already on it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

A solid Friday night

So Maneli and I did our Union Friday again. And in all honesty, not a bad choice on our behalf. The Union Board is hosting a comedy series weekend, which was awesome. We got there at 6:30 and saw all the impromptu acts. which were alright, but they had this main comedian; Mort Anderson I believe. This Guy KILLED ME seriously. Then we stuck around and started to watch the darjeeling limited. NEVER SEE THIS MOVIE. There is nothing funny, entertaining or all around good about this movie. I could have made a better movie using polaroids. Apparently, it is a Wes Craven something or other, but that is just sub-culture speak for crap. I'll sum it up for you, three brothers meet in India hop on a train and do stupid stuff that isn't funny or entertaining. With that in mind, save your time and money and don't see this movie. As for the weekend, lotsa homework and stuff in combination with riding. Solid yet boring.


Cruising the craigslist and looky hereYes, this person is selling a goat. Not as a farm animal, no but as a pet. And this is obviously not a joke, notice the well kept goat coat, and the picture background; file cabinets and hardwood floors. Personally if I had a goat anywhere but a barnyard, it'd probably be a butcher shop or on one of mountaineering trips. Do you think they have goat fights, you know like cock fights? There's got to be some money to be made there...Just my thoughts.

I am not naked anymore

The Power tap came back today. But my frame didn't. which is unfortunate but regardless I strapped up the cracked Cannondale and threw on the PT. You might be asking me why? well I just couldn't resist, I missed my hub of power. So to test it out, I did about 45 minutes of rollers. I just can't handle that stuff any more. But it's an easy day anyway - recovery. So I burnt 700 cal at 240 watt average (that is ridiculously high for an easy day... I am embarrassed). Oh well, it happens. Time for dinner and comedy show thing. Hopefully tomorrow I can get outside and get to ride fast with a group; like Wednesday. That would be cool.