Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So I have had a lot of time to think.... more time on the bike in the cold inspires that.

1.) In most action movies, the said attacker (such as neo, the punisher, etc) packs all of his guns and weapons into a duffle bag. Now, I am no pro on guns or other stuff of that nature, but... a DUFFLE BAG? REALLY? I mean these are like deadly things you are dealing with; bullets, grenades, etc., I have some knowledge of these things and a duffle bag is most certainly not the way to go about storing said devices. I would go with a plastic case or a aluminum case like a photographer. Not a piece of cloth that has been sewn together in some factory. I mean in most of my duffle bags, my stuff gets all jumbled and bangs together and stuff.... Not sweet! I mean usually when you buy a gun don't you get a free carrying case that is functional yet fashionable. It's like putting all of your fine china in a grocery sack, but these plates explode and stuff.

2.)Segways - Seemingly a new popular way to move about campus as of late. By that I mean there are two people who have them. The other night, I saw a student segging the way (if you will) in a full face motocross helmet. REALLY? Those things have a max speed of like 12.5 mph (I looked it up) I mean that is comparable to falling while running (or sprinting) and by all means said student was not carving the sidewalk on a two wheeled leaning wonder. SO was this helmet really all that necessary ... maybe she offroads with it? OR MAYBE, there is some underground circuit of pimped out segways... like hondas. But!!! There is hope... Ferrari makes a segway!

There's more to come.... I just need to study chem