Monday, January 26, 2009

HEARTLAND....WHOA slow down

Funniest comment of the day:

Bio Professor: "What is something you are doing right now that you don't control?" (referring to body functions)
left fielder: breathing
me: digestion
Bio Professor: reproduction

I don't control my reproduction and I was doing it right then?
ok ok, maybe I am being a little immature, but to me it was a little funny. But the baseball players in the back of the class got a larger kick out of it and took this opportunity to let the class know that they have full control of their reproduction...dumbasses.

Okay so here I sit in Biology kicking it in week 5. Here are my observations/questions about and from heartland:

  1. Did everyone from highschool go here?
  2. Are the teachers/professors/Chris Sweet told to babysit the baseball team? I swear it - in every class every teacher was making exceptions for "athletes". "Athletes" = Baseball players. Well, I am an athlete, so if I decided to head off to a training camp or a hyper big stage race, does that mean I get the same treatment? I bet not. Would probably be told to deal with it, and that I can't go. I don't know, I guess it is a peeve, cause it is a community college...not big ten, not even small ten (if that exists). Community college. KINDA garbage. Not to mention they totally power trip and feel like they run this place. FALSE!
  3. Make up tests/quizzes. Yep they do them here. This is college - shouldn't that not be an option unless your eyes like melted out of your head?
  4. "Athletes" get grade print outs to take to their coaches.... uhm? I wonder if they also get notes to take home to their parent...."Today I used glue"
I mean there are tons more, but that is what is coming to mind right now.

I am above and beyond ready to move over to B-Cycle. Something about getting very little respect - turn off.

But the riding here has been excellent. Things are starting to warm up and be where it is super enjoyable to be outside to be wearing full winter gear and not freezing. It only gets warmer from here... WEE

On that note, we have had incredible turn outs on the weekends. It's been pretty amazing. I thought for sure I would be slogging it out alone, but seeing all these people out is awesome and they are all riding incredibly well. Makes me happy.

Getting a new bike - Scott at the shop really wanted me on a Speciarized and after the most recent tango with SCOTT USA, I was more than happy to oblige. Specialized Tarmac with full Sram Red - gonna be gangstar. Gets here on the 27th - gotta hock that Addict

This is my career once I hit retirement

Time ta hustle

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bio in Bloomington


Welcome to the New Year. On my behalf I hope everyone had a great holiday season - travels went well, family was okay, etc..

Well it has been a while since I have blogged it up.

So what's new?:

Moved into my apartment

See the pictures below... sorry it's a bit messy. But it cleans up nice

The Grid and The Jeff and I so lovingly call it - if you are familiar with the B-Normal area, it is in Downtown Bloomington on the corner of Gridley and Jefferson by the old Bloomington Junior High

Not necessarily the nicest area, but I haven't had any problems (knock on wood), and everyone in my apartment building seems mature, nice and keep to themselves... I mean I haven't had a neighbor complain about my rollers yet or my sound system. That's a success in my book.

It's a one bedroom apartment that my bikes let me live in with them. Bedroom, kitchen / training room, office... It works

Working at Jewel- Osco
Yes I know, I swore up and down I would never go back... But it's really obscene as much as I thought this place was the pits. It is really not that bad... It's kinda like intervals, as much as you hate it... you still love it.

But I am back in the dairy section, stockin' the milk, facin' the frozen. It's no fun fest, but it pays the bills, no fear of being fired, and it is a stable job that works well with my schedule. So all-in-all I can't complain. Not to mention I have my family of coworkers that I have had since High School.

Got hired on at Bloomington Cycle and Fitness
ait wait wait you say, a shop in Bloomingtonormal that you will work for? Has the Appocalypse Occurred?
Don't worry, you can stop looking outside. There aren't any dark horsemen, Centaurs or Unicorns on fire (or whatever your appocalypse is)
Lehr finally sold the shop to Scott Davis. Which means there is going to finally be a shop that doesn't offer screw ball service and competitive product.... Again, Sit down, the appocalypse is not happening. So come March, I'll be wrenching and selling bikes again... Can't wait.

Started School at Heartland
Yet another thing that I swore I would never do. But I guess it is just that time for biting my tongue and
taking back what I have always said I would never do... BUT I guess that's life. Today is currently the first day, Bio at 8:30 in the morning and Math. Tomorrow will be a whole other slew of classes. Can't hardly wait. Have to honestly say that it doesn't feel to insanely different from being at Indiana. Pretty disconnected from everyone. No real desire to reach out and connect with people. But I guess that's just the way it goes. But as we currently speak, no class is going to be insanely hard more of a review of everything. Kind of feels like a waste of money. Once again, knock on wood. But I guess I should be great that I am fortunate enough to enjoy this luxury.

Training has kicked into effect again.
It's been a super long base period (since November is my bet) and it is time to kick up the intervals... WHOSE EXCITED?! ME! That's who. Feelin' alright. Doesn't matter... only matters how everyone else feels