Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday and baby pagers

So after sleeping in that queen size I woke up from rolling in every possibly direction and had breakfast with dad.

We discussed the usual; economics, external hard drives, and stuff like that.

Then Mom came out fully dressed and ready for church, and I felt a little guilty and I had wanted to go to church anyway, so I got dressed wicked fast and we went to church.
Check this little fascinating piece of technology our church has. Baby Pagers. So I guess I am confused on why we would need pagers for our young church goers. Is it in case you forgot you left your child in the day care? of it is in case your child gets ridiculously out of hand? Regardless of the reason, doesn't it seem a bit much for a church to be using the same technology that is used to let people know that their table is ready at a busy restaurant ergo Chili's. "johnson family of three your child is ready."

Then Mom and I went to the Mall. NEW jacket and shoes. they are so sweet.
We tried on a ton of different shoes, but these things just screamed me, eh? note Jamie's finger... SKANK!

But then I came home and sat on the rollers for about half an hour. I am pretty gassed at this point, I needed just a little bit to just be active but physically, I just needed a spin.

So then I came in from the garage and watched the rest of 1408, which I am still perplexed on.

Then Jamie came over, she studied, I blogged. Grandma and Grandpa came over to get their taxes did.

I am driving back tonight, apparently it is supposed to storm ferocious but I'll live.

Better Blogs tomorrow/this week.... you're lucky you got a weekend blog SUCKAS

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