Tuesday, April 8, 2008


That is what my work out would have sounded like today if there was audio.

Chris had me on a bearish workout today. I guess it wasn't too terribly bad, but in combination with being sick and recovering from the cooker that I was put through this weekend, I was pretty burnt out by the end of the work out. Had barely enough to crawl back home.

I ran out of calories to burn and liquid to partake in half way through my last set. So I broke pretty hard.

Seriously, I crawled, and it hurt... BAD. I think this is what it meant to Bonk.

So I got back and just did everything I could do to get nutrition to my body, which was actually a challenge.

So then came back and dicked around, did a little homework.

Oh well, time to relax and Z


Jame said...

welll!!!! i burned 6 trillion calories tonight working out with karen. we did roughly 4000 laps of the neighborhood in about 2 hours. so, i totally know what your talking about.

Oh by the way. i'm skinny now.

haha loveyou,missyou,wishicouldrideabikelikeyou

Jame said...

"I just want to rent guns - haha haha"

oh my god. amazing