Tuesday, May 20, 2008

West Lafayette

Took this weekend to hit up a little racing in Indiana. I swear I should have probably been born there.

Regardless, had a pretty good weekend, broke even on race entry fees - can't complain considering it was like a hundred something bucks.

Met Coach in Crawfordsville and then him and I trucked up to West Lafayette. Got there with 3 hours to spare. Initially, the crit was a figure 8 with a pretty sweet climb that totally had my name on it. But wouldn't you know, the crit was changed due to the surrounding neighborhood not moving parked cars, leaving us with a square with a sweet climb and a descent into a nasty corner....COOL! It wasn't unbareably fast, but sprint points and KOM points definitely made it painful - surging, etc. I ended up pack meat, ending the day with a pack time. Bottomline, no organization and difficult to get away. 18th overall....GARBAGE. I don't know, kinda felt like my head was not in the game...

That night, Ryan Kiel, Chris and I crashed at the Fairfield and went to bed at like 9:30. I know I know, we sound like old men, whatever. I had a fire lit under me and was going to need a lot of energy for the road race/TT.

Got up the next morning at 6 and rolled to the road race. I was kind of at an advantage in racing this course before at the Purdue RR... knowing when and where to attack, how to handle wind...etc. Ended up getting 7th in the race, and the KOM for the entire event....WHAT WHAT. I climb like a squirrel

Then the TT came. I used to think I could TT pretty well but an hour and a half after a race that I pulled pretty hard core in....I don't know. So tack that on with no aero gear, I got hit pretty hard by the wind and lost quite a bit of time. I'd like to think I could have ended top 5 with some aero supplies... especially considering that the guys who were up there were throwin' down the cervelos with 1080s...NICE

All in all, 8th overall, and KOM>>>RESPECT!

I am more excited about this weekend... THE SNAKE and MELON CITY. Melon city was the first crit I ever did and it ruined me.... I am going back to prove something to myself. And the Snake.... Well hopefully I can handle it and I can do some damage.

Oh well, need a shower, and go to work.

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